Master Clinicians Annual Membership
Bargain annual price to access 100+ CME credits

Enjoy This Free Preview From One of Our UPCOMING NEW COURSES
Common Urgent Care Presentations: Pearls & Pitfalls
Access to the entire Master Clinicians CME Library
Here are all the courses that are included in your membership.
Urgent Care Essentials
Learn the essential 40+ topics that are commonly seen in urgent care. This course is taught by Dr. Kevin Reiter who has extensive experience training urgent care clinicians and fellows at GoHealth Urgent Care
Family Medicine Essentials
Created by Dr. Zachary Gross from Harvard Hospital who discusses the fundamental medical problems that present in a primary care setting. (5 CME credits)
Podcast Series: Camp Medicine Essentials
Guests Dr. Melissa Leber and Jared Kutzin discuss essential topics seen in the camp setting and tips on how to treat these patients. (1 FREE CME credit)
Psychiatry for the Family Medicine Doctor
Brush up your skills and wrap your mind around these Mental and Behavioral health topics. This comprehensive course is taught by a board certified psychiatrist worth 1 CME credit and allows you to better see what is on your patient’s mind.
Camp Medicine Essentials
Summer is right around the corner! Join us as we explore common concerns as a provider to see if working at a camp is a right fit for you. Prepare yourself for dealing with the common emergencies and situations you may run into as a camp provider.
Podcast Series: Sepsis
In this episode we discuss the early signs of sepsis and the systematic approach when evaluating your patient to improve patient outcomes. Complete both parts to receive 1.0 category 1 CME credit.
Here are just a few of the topics included in the membership:
Can't Miss Diagnoses with Common Presentations
Instructor: Dr. Gino Farina (Emergency Medicine-Northwell)
When do common presentations like sore throat, back pain, rash, abdominal and chest discomfort become true emergencies? Learn to identify and recognize ACS, PE, aortic dissection, spinal epidural abscesses, necrotizing fasciitis, retro pharyngeal abscess, appendicitis and Lemiere's syndrome in patients presenting with common symptoms.
Can't Miss EKG Findings
Instructor: Dr. Gino Farina (Emergency Medicine-Northwell)
Before sending the patient home with chest discomfort or syncope with that normal EKG, take a second look and make sure there aren't any life threatening patterns. Learn to recognize and never miss Brugada Syndrome, STEMI equivalents, prolonged QT, Wellen's, WPW, DeWinter's & more.
Can't Miss Orthopedics Part 1
Instructor: Dr. Melissa Leber (Emergency Medicine & Sports Medicine-Mount Sinai)
Patients often present to the clinic with common orthopedic injuries from daily activities and sports. Not all injuries are obvious on X-rays and a delay in care, inappropriate treatment or failure to diagnose can lead to deformities and poor outcome. Learn to recognize and manage Achilles tendon rupture, Maisonneuve fractures, LisFranc fractures, central slip ruptures, solar plate rupture, tibial plateau fractures and more in part 1 of 2 lectures.
Can't Miss Orthopedics Part 2
Instructor: Dr. Melissa Leber (Emergency Medicine & Sports Medicine-Mount Sinai)
Part 2 of the can't miss ortho lectures covers more common orthopedic and sports related injuries. Learn to recognize and manage scapholunate ligament tears, bicep tears, calcific tendonitis, adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder), labral tears, hamstring tears, navicular stress fractures and more. Learn when slings and knee immobilizers are indicated and when they are actually harmful.
Can't Miss Chest Pain Part 1
Instructors: Dr. Daniel Ambinder, Dr. Carine Hamo, Dr. Amit Goyal (Cardiology-Johns Hopkins/Cleveland Clinic)
Learn how to evaluate and manage patients presenting with various chest pain symptoms. What are the initial steps to take? What symptoms are suggestive of ischemic vs non-ischemic etiology? Enjoy this engaging presentation from this cardiology trio of friends (aka CardioNerds) as they go over various case presentations.
Can't Miss Urology Part 1
Instructor: Dr. Jared Cohen (Urology-Cleveland Clinic)
Learn to think like a surgeon when evaluating scrotal pain and other urologic urgencies. What is the most common cause of child scrotal pain? How do you identify and manage adults presenting with symptoms consistent with testicular torsion, Fourneier's gangrene, epididymitis, hydrocele, hernia or testicular cancer?
Can't Miss Abdominal Pain in Women
Instructors: Dr. Katherine Miao (Urgent Care-CityMD)
Have a wider differential diagnosis when evaluating a woman of child bearing age and pregnant patients. Various emergent conditions can be easily missed on early presentation if the clinicians is not aware of the subtle symptoms and misleading presentations.
Ophthalmology in Urgent Care
Instructors: Dr. JD Zipkin (CMO of GoHealth Urgent Care)
Clinicians working in urgent care will encounter various eye complaints. What conditions can you manage alone and what needs urgent consultation? A good review of the basics for urgent care ophthalmology topics.
Can't Miss ENT Part 1
Instructors: Dr. David Chen (ENT-Johns Hopkins)
In part 1 of this 2 part lecture series, learn from an ENT specialist to handle various epistaxis presentations, acute mastoiditis, ear trauma, rupture of the tympanic membrane, foreign body in the ear, and more in the urgent care.
Non-Accidental Pediatric Trauma
Instructor: Dr. Elliot Friedman (Urgent Care-PM Pediatrics)
Learn from our pediatric urgent care expert to look for subtle signs of child abuse, neglect, and non-accidental pediatric trauma. When should you consider abuse? What type of injury patterns are consistent with abuse? How do you manage these patients?
Enjoy This Free Preview From One of Our Favorite Speakers
More New Topics Being Added This Year
Pearls & Pitfalls
ER Essentials
Medical Aesthetics
Cardiology Essentials
ER Pediatric Essentials
Family Medicine Essentials
Continuing Medical Education
Accreditation: These activities have been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of Oakstone Publishing and Master Clinicians, LLC. Oakstone Publishing is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
Credit Designation per lecture: Oakstone Publishing designates enduring material for a maximum of 1 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditTM per lecture. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
See What Others Are Saying
Can't Miss Presentations
Mary Garrison
For the topics included, this was a good overview.
For the topics included, this was a good overview.
Read LessChronic Abdominal and Pelvic Pain in Women; Beyond Quadrants
Susan Ganzhorn
Comprehensive review of a prevalent problem
Comprehensive review of a prevalent problem
Read LessUrgent care medical summit
Jared Hough
Very well done and relevant information.
Very well done and relevant information.
pete baker
Pregnancy related issues in the outpatient setting
Sanjay Murthy
Can't Miss common presentations
Aaron Lee
Excellent review
Jennifer Prom
Can’t miss urgent dx
justin Kelchner
Very educational and informative! Highly recommend!
Very educational and informative! Highly recommend!
Read LessCan't Miss Diagnoses
Kiley Marsaglia
Read LessLive the Life You Imagined: One Man’s Journey to a Telemedicine Career
Megan Tews
Insightful, thank you. Certainly the future for telemedicine is wide open.
Insightful, thank you. Certainly the future for telemedicine is wide open.
Read LessUrgent Care Medical Summit
Teri Sanor
perfect beginner course
stephanie connor
This class has geat step by step visuals.
This class has geat step by step visuals.
Read Less