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Get Free CME every Month!!

Sign up to our site and get immediate free access to our podcast CME's. We release 1-2 free CME video podcast every month with no purchases necessary. Just watch/listen to the video podcasts and print your CME certificates anytime after.

After the podcast, if you're looking for more online CME tailored for PAs, NPs and young physicians practicing in urgent care and telemedicine, we encourage you to check out our entire CME course library and study packages. Here is what you get with your Master Clinicians enrollment:

  • Affordable courses. Our courses are the best value on - cost per CME - compared to the industry
  • Easy to use: Learn at your own pace. Laptop, tablet, or mobile. Print your CME certificate after completion.
  • Experts in the industry: With a focus on the art of medicine; tips and tricks of the trade that you won't find in the books. 
  • Doing Good: 10% of all sales goes to a healthcare charity.

Continuing Medical Education

Credit Designation: This internet enduring material is designated for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. CME credit approval pending.

Charitable Contributions

10% of your purchase will go to a Healthcare Charity

Since early 2020, Master Clinicians has donated ten percent of quarterly sales to local and national charities to support the healthcare community. The tradition continues. If you have a healthcare related charity that would be a great candidate for our donations, please reach out and let us know! Email us at [email protected]

Thank you!